Mustang Owners Club of Queensland Inc.

Club History


In the late 1970’s interest in the Mustang was on the increase across QLD with owners like Robin Bath looking for parts and John Quinlan and Rob Sheppard sharing information amongst Mustang enthusiasts given the US imported car was new to Australia. Robin Bath had purchased a 66 Hardtop and went looking for parts and found Kevin Musgrave (Boss Auto Parts in Melbourne) through a magazine advertisement and Kevin suggested Robin think about forming a club in Queensland as they had existing clubs in both South Australia and Victoria. After answering an ad for an intake manifold and the seller Jim Hodgson having a 1967 Dark Moss Green Fastback in the garage, Robin and Jim got talking and the seed to start a Club in QLD was sown with Robin deciding  to go ahead and place an ad in the Saturday Courier Mail for interest from Mustang Owners.

There was a good showing at the first meeting with those in attendance being Robin Bath, Jim Hodgson, John Binge who recruited Jeff Norris, Robin Bone, Mick Stadtmiller, John Quinlan, Don Nicoll, Rob Sheppard and Jack Beedham with apologies from John Nixon due to another engagement.

A Committee comprising Robin Bath (President), John Quinlan (Secretary) and Rob Sheppard (Treasurer) was formed on the 13th of March 1980 and the Mustang Owners Club of Queensland (MOC QLD) was off and running!



The meetings started off at Jeff Norris’s house but soon they realized a bigger space was needed so John Quinlan arranged for the meetings to move to his workplace, the Brisbane Education Centre. With the Committee formed newsletters were published and circulated and runs became something to look forward to. One memorable outing was the annual barbeque and gathering at the home of John and Aileen Nixon for the Bathurst shootout on TV. A lot of knowledge and a few beers later ended in no-one forecasting the winners.

In the early stages of the MOC QLD, the membership grew, and it became aware of other Ford Clubs, so the Committee approached the Zephyr Club with the thoughts of an All Ford day.

Positive feedback led MOC QLD to organize the first All Ford Day and with interest from other clubs a committee for that event was formed. Then with guidance from Kevin Musgrave, MOC QLD started to hold their own State Concours events.

After attending the inaugural Mustang Concours at Swan Hill Easter 1981 where all States were in attendance, QLD volunteered to host the 1982 Mustang Concours Event at Easter with the venue being the Acacia Ridge Hotel Brisbane. For the first time there were Mustangs in the function room during the evening festivities and the guest speaker was John French who partnered on occasions with Dick Johnson at Bathurst and other long distance touring car events.

Throughout the years members come and go for various reasons.

Importantly we maintain a strong membership base and our existence is thanks to Kevin and Josie Musgrave (VIC) and Rod and Lorraine Kilvington (SA) and the Mustang Owners Club Australia National Body for encouraging our formation and making us a Club that everyone can be proud of.

Today, the Club has around 350 members throughout Queensland, and is part of the Mustang Owners Club Australia Inc. liaising with other Australian State/Territory Clubs and other clubs in the United States and around the world. Members’ cars range from original to modified and from ‘daily drivers’ to concours restorations.

Meetings are held each month in Brisbane and guest speakers are invited to attend from time to time. Club runs are held each month and include a variety of events around Brisbane, the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast and west to Toowoomba. Weekend cruises are arranged at various times during the year.

 Queensland registration rules allow Left Hand Drive Mustangs older than 30 years to be registered for normal road use. Concessional registration is available to Mustangs over 30 years old under the Queensland Transport’s Special Interest Vehicle Scheme which enables limited use of vehicles, both LHD and RHD, for Club and historic car usage on designated Club events such as the monthly Club runs, and events run by other affiliated car clubs. 

Queensland laws and those of most Australian States do not permit the use of newer left-hand drive vehicles on the road. They must be converted to right-hand drive.

 A Mustang Owners Club Australia National Concours event (now referred to as the Mustang Nationals), hosted by one of the State Mustang Clubs, is held at Easter each year. The Queensland Club also conducts a State Concours and Display Day every second year, except for the year that Queensland hosts the Mustang Nationals. 

The aim of the Club today is to encourage fellowship among Mustang owners and encourage and incentivise them to keep their vehicles in top condition. 

The Club is now open to owners of Ford Mustangs as full members and to those interested in all things Mustang as Associate Members!

The annual membership fee is $60.00 (subject to change) and there is a once-off joining fee of $60 making a total of $120.00 for the first year of membership. 

Monthly Meetings
The Club holds monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the calendar month unless otherwise advised!

Clubrooms, Jean-Howie Drive Morningside

Enjoy a Sausage Sizzle with members from 6.30pm followed by the Meeting at approximately 7.30pm